Jobs in central university Jammu 2022
Empanelment of Guest Faculty (Walk-in-Interview)
Applications are invited from suitable candidates interested to be empanelled as Guest Faculty in Central University of Jammu for Academic Session 2021-22 as per following details:-
Empanelment-Guest Faculty (Walk-in Interview)
University intends to empanel Guest Faculty on purely per lecture basis on as and when required in various Departments of the University
The qualifications and eligibility as per UGC guidelines/regulations (amended from time to time) and Central University Act, 2009 will be applicable.
Details of the Departments, General Instructions, eligibility conditions, honorarium, venue, date and time of Interview, prescribed application form and other details are available on the University website.
Panel validity will be for Academic Session 2021-22.
General Instructions:-
1. The qualifications, eligibility and other conditions as per UGC guidelines/regulations and Central
University Act, 2009 (amended from time to time) will be applicable.
2. Retired teachers/faculty shall also be considered for empanelment as Guest faculty.
3. The candidates may report for Interview on given date and time along with their original documents,
experience certificates one photocopy of self-attested documents, CV/Bio-data, two self attested
photographs along with duly filled application from available on University website.
4. The empanelled candidates shall have no claim for extension or permanent appointment as it is a
time gap interim engagement on requirement basis.
5. Validity of panel will be for Academic Session 2021-22.
6. The Guest faculty will be purely engaged on per lecture and on as and when requirement basis by
7. The eligible candidates will be required to deposit Rs. 500/- as application processing fees in the
form of DD in favour of Finance Officer, Central University of Jammu. SC/ST candidates are
8. All persons involved in the process will strictly adhere to precautions/protocol measures against
spread of COVID-19 at all times and at all places
Important LinksÂ
application form     click here
download Notification    click here
Official website    click here