Govt Polytechnic for Women Jammu Admission Notification for Various Programmed
Applications on the prescribed format are invited for the following 6/3 month courses under Continuing Education Programmed (IRG).
Name of the Trade :
Web Designing
Mobile Repairing
Garment Making & Female
The admission to the courses shall be purely on merit basis.
The batch strength shall be limited to maximum 25. Each training course shall start only with minimum 10 candidates.
Application Form as per Annexure ‘A’ shall be deposited along with requisite fee in the shape of Bank Draft of J&K Bank in favour of Principal, Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Jammu payable at Jammu with the office clerk of this Institute during the working hours by 26th February, 2022.
The timing for these courses shall be notified in the Instutions as per availability of labs/coutsource staff.
The training in each trade shall tentatively start w.e.f 1st March, 2022. Bank Draft shall be returned to the candidate if the minimum candidates in partcular trade is not available. Howerver, no Bank Draft shall be returned in case the admission is confirmed. Also, no change of trade shall be allowed after confirmation of admission in one trade.
Certificates to be attached with the application form:
Two Photographs
Qualification Certificate
address proofÂ