SKUAST Jammu Recruitment 2025: Eligibility Salary Apply

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SKUAST Jammu Recruitment 2025: Check Details

SKUAST Jammu Recruitment 2025: Walk-In-Interview for the Recruitment of Project Assistant Under DST Funded Research Project

SKUAST Jammu Recruitment 2025: Overview

Name of the Posts : Project Assistant 

No. of Posts : 01

SKUAST Jammu Recruitment 2025: Salary

Emoluments (Rupees) : 20,000/- pm (Consolidated)

Walk-in-Interview : 08.01.2025 at 11.00 am

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Walk-in-Interview for the recruitment of Project Assistant under the DST, JKST&IC, Govt. of J&K sanctioned project entitled “Study of different biomarkers to assess the impact of pollutants in water, sediments and fish from various aquatic systems of Jammu” is scheduled on 08.01.2025 at 11.00 am in the committee room of the Director of Research, SKUAST-Jammu, Chatha.

Interested candidates possessing relevant qualification and experience as mentioned below may appear in the interview on 08.01.2025 at 10.00 am with application form & self-attested copy of documents. The advance application in the prescribed format may be submitted through email at [email protected].

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SKUAST Jammu Recruitment 2025:

The candidate must appear in person for the interview. The detailed advertisement along with the prescribed format can be downloaded from the university website

Terms and conditions for the project :

1. The candidates shall have no legal right to claim his/her regularization/appointment by absorption or otherwise against any regular post or any other contractual engagement as the project is purely time bound and non-regular. The posts are temporary and coterminus with the project. The services of the incumbent shall stand terminated automatically on expiry of the period of the project with no claim on the permanent absorption in this University.

2. The positions are purely temporary and extension shall be granted on the basis of performance of the appointee. The university/funding agency/P.I. reserves the right to withdraw advertised post at any stage without assigning any reason and terminate on non-performance.

The appointee can be terminated at any time by university without assigning any reason thereof. In event of the relinquishing of the engagement, one-month notice is essential.

3. Only candidates having essential qualifications and experience would be entertained for the interview.

4. Interested candidates must reach the venue for the screening of the documents & interview on 08.01.2025 at 10.00 am in the committee room of the Director of Research, SKUAST-Jammu, Chatha.

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5. Only eligible shortlisted candidates will be entertained for interview and no TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.

6. Selected candidates will have to join duty within a period of one week after the receipt of the offer.

7. For more details with respect to application form refer to University website

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