JKSSB various exam postponed JKUPDATE
Notice regarding Postponement of Written Examination for the posts of Inspector, UT Cadre, Sub-Inspector, UT , Divisional Cadre Jammu and Kashmir, (Finance) , Advertised vide advertisement Notification No 04 of 2020, Under Item Nos 117, 118, 121 and 123 on 03rd April 2022 and 17th April 2022.
It is hereby notified for information of candidates that the OMR
Based written Examination for the posts of Inspector, UT Cadre, Sub Inspector, UT , Divisional Cadre Jammu and Kashmir, (Finance) ,
Advertised vide advertisement Notification No 04 of 2020, Under
Item Nos 117, 118, 121 and 123, scheduled to be held on 03rd April
2022 and 17th April 2022 respectively, is postponed. Fresh dates shall be notified shortly.
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