JKSSB Result/Score Sheet for Various Posts CBT Exams
JKSSB Result/Score Sheet for Various Posts CBT Exams
Notice regarding Result/Score Sheet of candidates in Computer Based Written Test (CBT) Examination for the of Junior Lab Assistant, (Skill Development ), Divisional Cadre, Bee Keeper/Field Assistant Grade-III/Equivalent, Beekeeper, Farm Supervisor and Plant Protection Operator Various District cadres , in pursuance to the Advertisement Notification No 07 of 2020 held on 20-12-2021 and 21-12-2021.
Result/Score Sheet of candidates in Computer Based Written Test (CBT) Examination for the of Junior Lab Assistant, (Skill Development ), Divisional Cadre, Bee Keeper/Field Assistant Grade- III/Equivalent, Beekeeper, Farm Supervisor and Plant Protection Operator Various District cadres , in pursuance to the Advertisement Notification No 07 of 2020 held on 20-12-2021 and 21-12-2021-regarding.
Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) conducted CBT examination for the posts of Junior Lab Assistant, (Skill Development), Divisional Cadre, Bee Keeper/Field Assistant Grade- III/Equivalent, Beekeeper, Farm Supervisor and Plant Protection Operator Various District cadres, in pursuance to the Advertisement Notification No 07 of 2020 on 20-12-2021 and 21-12-2021; and,
2. Whereas, the JKSSB notified tentative answer key(s) vide Notice No. SSB/COE/2021/9001-007 dated 22-12-2021 for seeking Objections, if any, from candidates in respect of posts for which the aforesaid CBT examination was conducted; and,
- Whereas, in response to aforesaid Notice, 420 representations were received from candidates against 134 unique questions. Subsequently, the representations/objections were got examined by the Agency concerned through Subject Matter Experts; and,
- Whereas, the JKSSB pursuant to disposal of the representations/ objections submitted by the candidates, notified the revised answer Key(s) vide No. SSB/COE/2022/943-48 dated: 04-02-2022, in respect of posts for which Computer based Objective Type Written Examination (CBT) was conducted w.e.f. 20.12.2021 to 21.12.2021, for viewing of the candidates on JKSSB’s official website www.jkssb.nic.in from 05-02-2022 to 07-02-2022; and,
- Now, therefore, in view of the above the result/ score sheet, based on the performance of candidates who appeared in the Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for the posts of Junior Lab Assistant, (Skill Development ), Divisional Cadre, Bee Keeper/Field Assistant Grade-III/Equivalent, Beekeeper, Farm Supervisor and Plant Protection Operator Various District cadres , in pursuance to the Advertisement Notification No 07 of 2020, is hereby notified as Annexure “A”.
6. It is further notified that
(i) Mere figuring in the result/ score sheet shall not entitle a candidate to be called for document verification or appear in the Select List and that he/she has to fulfil other eligibility conditions as laid down and decision of the Board in this regard shall be final.
(ii) The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board will call candidates falling in the consideration zone, based on the merit obtained by them for document verification. The schedule for Document Verification shall be notified separately.
(iii) Any candidate desirous of making representation with regard to position assigned to him/her in the score sheet, may do so by or before 25th of February, 2022, through e-mail on official email address [email protected]. Such representation shall be disposed of in accordance with the extant Rules.
(iv) In case, no representation is received, the score sheet as notified shall be treated as final. Further, the Board also reserves the right to make any corrections / changes in the records at any later date as may be found necessary suo motto or on the request of the candidate(s) on the basis of documentary evidence, if any Click here for Result and Notification