JKSSB Recruitment notification no. 2 released 168 vacancy JK UPDATE

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JKSSB Recruitment notification no. 2 released 168 vacancy JK UPDATE

Subject:-Advertisement for District/Divisional/UT Cadre posts of various
Indenting Department under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Civil
Services – Decentralization and Recruitment Act, 2010 and rules made
thereunder read with other relevant rules governing the subject.

Reference:-Requisition of Posts/Vacancies received from Indenting Department
as per the details given below:


   S.No. Reference of Indent Department No. of posts received
1 Ash/Coord/24/2014 Dated 29-09-2020 followed by ASHF-CORD/3/2021-03 Dated:-16-09-2021 & ASHF-CORD/70/2021-03 Dated:-18-11-2021 Animal and Sheep Husbandry Deptt. 10
2 i)Home/FSL/46/2021/CC No.57630 Dated:-13-12-2021

ii)HOME-Jail/87/2021-01-HOME Dated:-24-06-2021

Home Department 30
3 RDD-Estt0NG/42/2021(e.offie) Dated:-16-11-2021 Rural Development Department 124
4 ARI/SP/14/2014 Dated 29-09-2020 followed by ARI/SP/14/2014 dated 15-12-2020 & ARI/SP/14/2014 dated 17-12-2021 ARI Trainings 02
Total Posts 168


) Date of Commencement for submission of online applications=20-02-2022.
b) Last Date for submission of online applications =20-03-2022.
c) Annexure “A” = Name of the Post, Cadre, Pay Level, Category wise break up
of posts, Qualification and Criteria for selection.
d) Annexure ‘”B”=Certificate regarding physical limitation.
e) Annexure “C”=Letter of undertaking for using own Scribe.
Total Number of Posts Advertised =168

Horizontal Reservation (wherever applicable under rules)-

Application Fee:-

(I) (a) For posts involving two stage examination:-
i) Junior Scale Stenographer
ii) Junior Assistant
iii) Assistant Superintendent Jails.)
Fee payable: Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) for General Category
etc. and Rs.400/-(Rupees Four Hundred only) for SC,ST,PWD & EWS

(b) For posts involving single stage examination:-

i) Assistant Scientific Officer, Narcotics
ii) Assistant Scientific Officer, Chemistry and Toxicology
iii) Assistant Scientific Officer, DNA
iv) Assistant Scientific Officer, Biology/Serology
v) Assistant Scientific Officer, Physics
vi) Assistant Scientific Officer, Ballistics
vii) Assistant Scientific Officer, Documents
viii) Assistant Scientific Officer, Cyber Forensics
ix) Driver
x) Tractor Driver
xi) Re-toucher Artist

Fee payable: Rs.400/-(Rupees Four Hundred only) for General Category
etc. and Rs.300/-(Rupees Three Hundred only) for SC,ST,PWD & EWS
(II) Fee can be paid only online through Net Banking, Credit or Debit cards.
(III) Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered
and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection will be
entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances
nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or selection.
(IV) All the disputes related to refund of excess payment, if any, are subject
matter of the J&K Service Selection Board. Can didates are advised to
apply for refund of excess payment, if any, through official portal
www.jkssb.nic.in only. No chargeback request shall be entertaine


(Procedure for filling Online Application)
The necessary instructions regarding filling up of online applications
are given herein below: –
i. Candidates are required to apply online through JKSSB’s online Application
Portal-https://ssbjk.org.in No other means/ mode of application will be
ii. The Candidates who have not registered earlier on the portal are first
required to go to the said Portal and register themselves by clicking on
“Candidate Registration” link.
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iii. Candidates are required to have a valid Email ID and Mobile Number for
registering and creating login credentials. The same shall be validated using
OTP (One Time Password) based verification.
iv. After creating login credential, candidates need to login with these
credentials by clicking on “Candidate Login”. Candidate can update their
information like mobile number, email id and password from time to time,
but cannot change their First Name, Last Name and Gender.
v. Once successful Login, the candidate can check under “Latest Openings”
for all available advertisements and click on “Apply Now” against
“Application Form for Appointment to the Post applied.”
vi. Candidate should carefully fill in all the information in various sections and
click on “SAVE & CONTINUE”.
vii. The candidate is required to upload the images of recent photograph and
• Size of the photograph (passport size) (Max size–1 MB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5
X 3.5 Cms.).
• Size of the signature (Max size–1 MB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5 X 3.5 Cms.).
viii. The candidate need to ensure that all the required fields are filled up with
correct information. The system shall check that all required fields are filled
up, before final submission of the application.
ix. Candidate shall be personally responsible for filling the details in the online
application form and the information/details furnished by the candidate shall
be treated as final for the purpose of determining the eligibility/claims of the
candidates. No claim on account of non-filling of information shall be
entertained subsequently.
x. Candidates cannot edit their Application form after submission. However,
candidate can cancel his/her application if wrongly filled, but the fee of such
cancelled application will not be remitted. Candidate can then apply afresh
and he/she will have to pay the fee again.
xi. Candidate’s Application will not be considered if fee is not paid for that
xii. Fees decided by JKSSB can be paid only by Net banking/Debit
Card/Credit Card Options.
• After successful completion of the form, the candidate shall be shown
“Pay Now” link for making the online application fee payment. Once
fees is successfully submitted, Application ID shall be generated.
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• The options will be available after clicking on Pay Now link. Candidate
can pay using Net banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, as Online
Payment options.
xiii. Payment will not be accepted and will not be considered valid after cut-off
date mentioned in Advertisement Notification, i.e 20.03.2022(last date).
xiv. Candidates should not submit a printout of the application / fee payment
receipt to JKSSB till it is actually sought for some verification/clarification
xv. Please note that above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying.
No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and
such applications would be rejected.
xvi. The application printout along with the fee payment receipt and required
copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for
subsequent stage of Selection as per the notified Criteria. Candidate can
take printout of application submitted and fee payment receipt from “My
Applications” link available in the Portal. Application printout can be taken
by selecting Application ID/No and clicking on Download Application.
Similarly, receipt printout can be taken by selecting Application ID/No and
clicking on Download Receipt button available.
xvii. Any person who finds difficulty in submission of application form due to
technical issue or for any other reasons, shall be required to send a self explanatory mail at [email protected] for seeking guidance, clarification, etc. No other mode of grievance submission in this context would be valid. Moreover, only the grievance pertaining to the active application will be replied through the mail.


Interested Candidate Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online.

APPLY ONLINE  click here


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