JKSSB Important Announcement for Various PostsÂ
JKSSB Important Announcement for Various Posts:- Notice to Mr. Mohd Saleem, for cancellation of withheld recomendation (Item No. 235 – Dhobi, Divisional Cadre, Kashmir, Adv No. 02 of 2021).
The J&K Services Selection Board notified the Final Selection List for the post of Dhobi (Health and Medical Education Department), for various District and Divisional Cadres under Item No. 319, 328, 335, 352, 357, 363, 372, 380, 384 and 235 respectively, pursuant to Notification No. 02 of 2021 dated 26.03.2021, vide Notification No. JKSSB/SEL/SECY/2023/904-13 dated 22.09.2023.
In the said Selection List, you figured at S. No. 1, under Item No. 235 (Dhobi, Division Cadre Kashmir), with DV No. 14 KMR, in OM/RBA category, with your recommendation kept withheld subject to clarification regarding the genuineness of Professional Certificate produced and regarding being in possession of Higher Qualification respectively.
JKSSB Important Notification For Various Post
The case was placed in the Board in its 236th Board meeting, regarding the complaint received against you for being in possession of higher qualification, wherein it was decided to afford you an opportunity of being heard before taking a final view on declaring you in-eligible (on account of meeting the maximum bar for the post).
As for the post of FAA (Finance Accounts Assistant), notified vide Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2020, you, under declaration had accepted of completing your Bachelors of Arts from Kashmir University on 22.04.2017 (Application No. 206928), rendering you ineligible for the items with the maximum bar of 10+2 in Notification No. 02 of 2021, the cut-off date for which is (was) 10.06.2021.
Accordingly, in view of the factual position stated above, you are hereby afforded a final opportunity to present your case, within Seven (7) days of Issuance of this notice, in the J&K Services Selection Board, CPO Chowk, Panjtirthi, Jammu/ Zam Zam Complex, Rambagh, Srinagar (as per your convenience), stating as to why your recommendation shall not be cancelled for not meeting the eligibility requirements for the aforementioned post, failing which it shall be presumed that you have nothing to say in your defence and action as warranted under rules shall be taken against you without any further notice.