J&K Rural Department Vacancy 4000+ Posts Check in Details
Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Rural Development (Subordinate) Services Recruitment Rules were notified vide SRO-178 dated 9th of May, 2007. Thereafter, the necessity of modifying the existing rules was felt expedient in view of the various changes made from time to time viz. creation of some posts in the Department; and
Department | J&K rural department |
vacancy | 4000+ |
Application Form | online |
Conducting Agency | JKSSB |
Application Start | Coming Soon |
Pattern | Written Exam |
Download Android For Job Update | Â click here |
Whereas, after re-organization of the erstwhile state of J&K in 2019, various categories of posts in the Department were distributed between the Union Territories of J&K and Ladakh by notifying SRO No.780 of 25th October, 2019, Non Gazetted posts of J&K UT were bifurcated and notified; and
Whereas, subsequently, rationalization of various categories of posts in the Department was issued vide Government Order No.59 RD&PR of 2021 Dated: 02.03.2021 and the exercise for amendment of the existing J&K Rural Development (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2007 notified vide SRO 178 dated 9th May of 2007 was already initiated, and more vacancy in J&K Rural departmentÂ
J&K Rural Department Vacancy 4000+ Posts Check in Details released by JK Govt
Whereas, the ARI & Trainings Department has recently issued Circular No.03-ARI & Trgs of 2023 dated: 22.09.2023 regarding revision/updation of service Recruitment Rules wherein interalia, it has been mentioned that the proposals may be submitted after addressing the aspects/parameters/instructions through circulation of that draft Recruitment Rules for inviting objections of all the stakeholders concerned within fifteen (15) days.
Now, therefore, in light of the above, the draft amendments in the existing Jammu and Kashmir Rural Development (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2023, i.e. Schedule-I and II of Ministerial as well as Executive/Technical Cadre, is hereby uploaded on the departmental official web site for inviting objections from the concerned per
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