JK Health and Medical Education selection list


JK Health and Medical Education consultant selection list.

Jammu and Kashmir Select list for the posts of Consultant in various disciplines in Health & Family Welfare Department-Recommendations thereof.

Whereas, vide No. PSC/DR/Consultant/ Surgery/ H&FW/2019 dated 07.12.2021, No. PSC/DR/Consultant/ Paediatrics/H&FW/2019 dated 26.11.2021 and No. PSC/DR/ Consultant/ Anesthesia/H&FW/2019 dated 27.10.2021, J&K Public Service Commission has recom­mended the appointment of candidates as Consultant in various disciplines in Health & Family Welfare Department against the posts referred to them.

And Whereas, in light of Government Order No. 528- JK(GAD) of 2021 dated 21.06.2021 issued by General Administration Department, notices were published in local dailies vide endorsement No. HME-HRM/103/2021- 02 dated 25.11.2021 and No. HME-HRM/117/2021-02 dated 10.12.2021, wherein, all the candidates were advised to submit their verification rolls of Character and Antecedents form (in triplicate) in the HRM Branch of Health & Medical Education Department at Civil Secretariat, Jammu/Srinagar within ten days from the date of issuance of the notice.

And Whereas, the following candidates, selected as Consultant in respective disciplines have not submitted their verification rolls of Character and Antecedents in triplicate form till date:-

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Now, therefore, all the above mentioned candidates, selected/ recommended by the J&K Public Service Commission as Consultant, are, hereby, advised to sub­mit their verification rolls of Character and Antecedents form (in triplicate) in the HRM Branch of Health & Medical Education Department at Civil Secretariat, Jammu/Srinagar within five days from the date of issuance of this notice, failing which, it shall be pre­sumed that they are not interested to serve in the department against the said post.


Under Secretary to the Government,

Heatlh & Medical Education Department DIP/J-13601 Dt: 26-02-2022

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